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Corset Bridal Shower

When A first approached me to make this for her wedding cake, i was like yea, its easy, i can do this (although it's my first time making a corset cake) But during the process, i realized nooooooo, it was more challenging that i though. Not the decorating part but cake assembling part. 

First was to get a pan big enough to bake a large sheet cake but somehow i couldn't find one that would satisfy the size i am after so i ended up baking 2 square 10 inches cake and put them together from there. 

Second was to draw the outline of the corset onto the transfer paper. I kept getting either a too fat or too thin corset, nothing went the way i wanted it to be! 
Lucky for me i had Jan over, i got her to do the drawing. She being the smart Jan that i always know used bowls to outline the perfect waistline for the corset! What a brilliant idea! (pats on Jan's shoulder) I wouldn't in a million years thought about that :P
Saved by Jan! We manage to get a perfect corset shape for tracing.  One big fear down! 

Next fear was the how am i going to transfer such a long cake (which has a seperation in the middle and covered with meringue buttercream) to the cake board without it falling apart and destroying the spread????

Cake bases!!!!

Yes, i used a really large 12" round cake base, chopped off the sides to fit the corset and TA-DAH! problem solved. I must take credit for the brilliant idea *giggles*

All fear down!! Lastly was the decorations. I must say that it went rather smoothly,  after all i am a part time cake decorator righttt?? :p

Here's my final product! ( Special thanks to helper Jan again)
*Please excuse my bad photography, i haven't been having much luck with camera lighting recently.

Corset Bridal Cake

Corset Bridal Cake

Corset Bridal Cake

Corset Bridal Cake


13.7.09 yoong said...

hmmmm that looks good enough to be worn on.....

...with disastrous results, But as a decorated cake, NOICE!