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Chico and Brady

Look what i found!

Chico's Twin!

His name is Brady , Simply-June's precious pup. :)
I swear that they both look so so so similar! Not only that, they both have the same characteristics too. 
1. They stare at the food or at you when you have food and tries to sniff it when you're not looking, hoping to get a a teeny weeny taste of it. :p
2. Their sleeping positions are the SAME! 4 paws facing up. Very adorable
3. The play with their toys a lot. (and chew them too!)
4. Loves getting attention from their owners by cuddling and licking them 
5. Fall asleep on owners lap (my favorite)
5. Heartbreaker to ladies :) (I'm sure June will agree on this *thumbs up!)'

and and their owners love blogging about food! YUM YUM
Ready to be amazed by the Chico and Brady's cute-ness???
Here goes~~~~





Now, don't you agree they DO look alike? They must be twins for sure! *smiles*
The thing is Brady is all the way back in United States and Chico is in Australia. Too bad that they both can't meet or else i bet cha they'll be best best buddies.


1.4.09 Simply June said...

Mmm..Lindt truffles..Yummy!I love the all white chocolate one, as well as the Stracciatella....

1.4.09 Simply June said...

I wonder.. is Chico a barker? We've heard Brady barked once or twice in the almost 3 weeks we have him! =)